The sea
Another kind of beach
Different in style and topography, Nantouar offers a break while on this side of the bay. Less touristy but not isolated either, visited by more sea birds than humans, it is the ideal place where to organize a picnic, if the wind does not blow too strong, or else watch your belongings!
More or less the usual seaside activities
There are no restaurants here, no shops, nor activities organized, but pebbles of different colours and shapes to look at, a winged fauna to observe, an immense expanse of sand at low tide, and of course, the sea in which to soak or on which to put down a boat. The walk to the lighthouse is a must, especially since the water nibbles the land every year and it may well disappear in the next storm, taken by a wave! Be careful though, at high tide pebbles roll a lot. You might laugh after falling, but also hurt yourself.
Address: Route de Nantouar, 22700 Louannec, Brittany
Distance from the house: 12,7 km
Dogs: forbidden in summer